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Today's Grace Experience Sermon Notes
👑 Kingdom Generosity Conclusion | The Kingdom Principles from the Kingdom Series
Sermon and Sermon notes provided by Pastor Theo Schaffer
Inspired by the "Kingdom Principles" from Dr. Myles Munroe (see Dr. Myles Munroe resources here)
Sunday Grace Experience, Sunday, May 29th, 2023
Study Scriptures
God gave us dominion. In Genesis 1:26, the Hebrew word for "Dominion" is "רָדָה" (radah). It carries the meaning of ruling, having dominion, or exercising authority over something.
The Bible is a Love story, but the relationship between God and man is all about Stewardship, Accountability and Faithfulness. You cannot have one without the other.
God the King, is a Giver. The King gives first. If the King is wealthy then the King’s country is wealthy. If the King is wealthy everything in the castle is wealthy. Giving is a fundmental principle of the Kingdom of Heaven. Giving to a king attracts the favour of the King; no favour is rewarded without a spirit and act of generosity towards the King and His Kingdom first. Therefore every citizen of the Kingdom must reciprocate the rule, law and Spirit of their King in giving likewise of all.
“Who told you you were naked?” Genesis 3:11
Adam sins, and now fears the Lord’s presence, not in the proper way of revere for the Lord but afraid of the consequences of his choice, so he hides. And his excuse to the Lord is “I was naked …”. Adam did not have an issue, his sin created one. Now he realizes it and is trying to fix it himself.
The first indication that you are out of alignment with God is that you hide, you hid and that you will hide. Adam was still in the Lord’s presence, hiding in plain sight. You have the ability to both hide physically and spiritually. You can also hide what the Lord stewards you with. First question one must ask themselves, ‘What direction am I in currently?’ and second, ‘Who told me to go this way?’
Repentance - Philippians 2:5 - Let this mind be in you who was in Christ Jesus. Repentance is the relinquishing of your previous thinking to take on the mind of Christ, the King, Kingdom thinking. God changes your heart, the Holy Ghost changes your spirit, but YOU have to change your mind. The only way your behavior will change is if your mind will change.
Programmed by the Spirit of Fear. God has not given us the spirit of fear; He has given us power, love and a sound mind. This is what fear sounds like …
Poverty Mindset is equal to a Sinful Mindset both equaling Slavery. From a cultural context in biblical times poverty was akin to sin. Similar to disabilities, the people of God assumed that disobedience to God or sin was the reason you were poor or disabled. Therefore your appropriate destination is slavery, bondage, imprisonment, exile or ultimately death.
Our basic barbaric human nature is to fear what we don’t understand and to hate what we fear; and that is how we are controlled by the programming of this world. So much to the point that God delivers Israel physically but they are still in bondage metnally and spiritually.
“Can we go BACK to Egypt?” See what they said to Moses here …“Did we not say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians?’ For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians [as slaves] than to die in the wilderness.” - The people of God to Moses, Exodus 14:12. This is a picture of convenient the cancer of sin and a slave mentality can be. Because the wilderness reality didn’t match the picture the Israelites had in their mind; because ‘prosperity’ after being set free did not appear as sensually eutopic as what they experienced in bondage … they would have rathered went back to slavery.
The spirit of slavery and the poverty mindset continues when the people of God, Israel, (who represents us today, we are the spiritual Israel) continued to complain in Exodus 16:3 The Israelites said to Moses and Aaron, “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt and not out in the middle of nowhere! At least in Egypt (bondage, slavery) we sat around restaurants or we could have ordered all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve us all to death!” - PTKJV. Returning to any sin, or choice of disobedience from God’s Word is slapping the Lord in the face expressing that your sin apart from God, is a greater convenience than being in the presence of God during a season of wilderness.
“Chasing the Bag” Unpacking Matthew 25:14-28 and seeing the Kingdom principleL
The Master divides 8 bags of silver between them all according to their ability (i.e. skills developed, born with and history of performance. “The Lord performs credit checks!” He is a good steward, the King. He will not award you above you history of being a good steward, being accountable and being faithful with what he originally gave you.
How much is the talents worth today? A talent was a large unit of measurement in ancient Judea—it is roughly the equivalent of 75 U.S. pounds or 35 kilograms. Talents were often used to measure large quantities of precious metals such as silver or gold.
A talent was a large amount of money. Estimates vary on just how much a talent would be worth in modern terms. But one way of measuring it is by considering the fact that a single talent was worth twenty years of a common laborer’s wages. A current (2022) approximation might be to say a typical American worker earns $40,000.00 in salary plus benefits. If so, one talent would be worth $800,000.00. And five talents would be valued at $4 million. The Gospel in Luke’s version estimates worth $800,000.00 where single mina was worth $13,333.
1st Servant he gave 5 bags of silver and he invested it - Treasure! He took the masters money and made money with his money. The 2nd Servant he gave 2 bags of silver and he went a got another job - Talent! He took the masters money, stewarded it, worked harder to add to it. 3rd Servant he gave 1 bag of silver and he hid the Master’s money - at first I thought it was about “Talent” but I was wrong. “Well that’s not fair why didn’t the master give the 1 more?” No, it is, “History determines how much you can handle!”
“How do you receive dominion, authority, resource and give none of it away and lose everything?”
The Master returns 1st & 2nd Servant he celebrates his faithfulness & gets more responsibilities and get to celebrate with the Master but the 3rd gets condemned. “Well Pastor what’s the problem with the 3rd Servant?! He didn’t waste or blow the bag??!” Here’s the issues:
Freedom. Who the Son sets free, is free indeed. Therefore, freely give as you have freely received. But deliverance must take place before true freedom is experienced.
Conclusion & Action Items
Relating this to financial stewardship: Financial stewardship goes beyond personal gain or accumulation of wealth. Encourage one another to be generous with their resources, using them to bless others and meet the needs of those less fortunate. Just as Jesus instructed His disciples to freely give, be challenged to adopt a spirit of generosity in their financial decisions.
Invest financially but most importantly in relationships: Investing in people is just as important as investing in financial assets. Prioritize relationships, showing love, kindness, and support to those around them. Investing in the well-being and growth of others can bring immense joy and fulfillment.
The Value of surrender and selflessness: Understand that true wealth and fulfillment come from surrendering their lives and resources to God. Let go of selfish ambitions and materialistic pursuits, instead focusing on serving God and others. Emphasize that through selflessness and surrender, they can experience the abundant life Jesus promises.
Prioritize eternal investments: Consider the eternal impact of their financial decisions. Teach them that investing in God's kingdom and advancing His purposes should take precedence over temporary gains. Encourage them to allocate resources towards spreading the gospel, supporting missions, and engaging in acts of compassion and justice.
Responsible stewardship: Justt as God gave humans dominion over the earth, He expects them to be responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to them. This includes managing finances wisely, making informed investment decisions, and utilizing opportunities to increase wealth.
Long-term vision: Emphasize the importance of having a long-term vision when it comes to financial decisions. Just as real estate investments are often long-term endeavors, Grace family should adopt a similar mindset when investing. Educate yourselves, ask questions, find out who at Grace is already investing, think strategically and plan for the future, considering the potential growth and benefits of their financial choices.
The principle of fruitful multiplication found in Genesis. As believers use your financial resources and investments to generate returns and multiply their wealth. Teach them the importance of diversifying their investments, seeking sound advice, and diligently managing their financial portfolios.
Social responsibility: Financial stewardship also involves considering the well-being of others. Use your financial resources, including real estate investments, to bless others, support charitable causes, and make a positive impact in their communities.
Faith and diligence: Combine faith and diligence in financial stewardship. Just as farmers diligently cultivate the land expecting a harvest, emphasize the need for disciplined financial practices, continuous learning, and seeking God's guidance in making investment decisions.
Sermon and Sermon notes provided by Pastor Theo Schaffer
Inspired by the "Kingdom Principles" from Dr. Myles Munroe (see Dr. Myles Munroe resources here)
Sunday Grace Experience, Sunday, May 29th, 2023
Study Scriptures
- Matthew 10, Matthew 25
God gave us dominion. In Genesis 1:26, the Hebrew word for "Dominion" is "רָדָה" (radah). It carries the meaning of ruling, having dominion, or exercising authority over something.
The Bible is a Love story, but the relationship between God and man is all about Stewardship, Accountability and Faithfulness. You cannot have one without the other.
God the King, is a Giver. The King gives first. If the King is wealthy then the King’s country is wealthy. If the King is wealthy everything in the castle is wealthy. Giving is a fundmental principle of the Kingdom of Heaven. Giving to a king attracts the favour of the King; no favour is rewarded without a spirit and act of generosity towards the King and His Kingdom first. Therefore every citizen of the Kingdom must reciprocate the rule, law and Spirit of their King in giving likewise of all.
“Who told you you were naked?” Genesis 3:11
Adam sins, and now fears the Lord’s presence, not in the proper way of revere for the Lord but afraid of the consequences of his choice, so he hides. And his excuse to the Lord is “I was naked …”. Adam did not have an issue, his sin created one. Now he realizes it and is trying to fix it himself.
The first indication that you are out of alignment with God is that you hide, you hid and that you will hide. Adam was still in the Lord’s presence, hiding in plain sight. You have the ability to both hide physically and spiritually. You can also hide what the Lord stewards you with. First question one must ask themselves, ‘What direction am I in currently?’ and second, ‘Who told me to go this way?’
Repentance - Philippians 2:5 - Let this mind be in you who was in Christ Jesus. Repentance is the relinquishing of your previous thinking to take on the mind of Christ, the King, Kingdom thinking. God changes your heart, the Holy Ghost changes your spirit, but YOU have to change your mind. The only way your behavior will change is if your mind will change.
Programmed by the Spirit of Fear. God has not given us the spirit of fear; He has given us power, love and a sound mind. This is what fear sounds like …
- “I cannot serve the kingdom with my treasure (i.e. finance, substance, resource), because I do not have enough to share or make a difference.”
- “I cannot serve the kingdom with my talents (i.e. skills, abilities, talents) because I am too afraid to fail, try or afraid I will not be able to get it right.”
- “I cannot serve the kingdom with my time (i.e. schedule, plans, intent, availability) because I already don’t have enough time.”
- Lack of knowledge, being destroyed
- Spiritual Slavery - then mental, financial, emotional slavery follows …
Poverty Mindset is equal to a Sinful Mindset both equaling Slavery. From a cultural context in biblical times poverty was akin to sin. Similar to disabilities, the people of God assumed that disobedience to God or sin was the reason you were poor or disabled. Therefore your appropriate destination is slavery, bondage, imprisonment, exile or ultimately death.
Our basic barbaric human nature is to fear what we don’t understand and to hate what we fear; and that is how we are controlled by the programming of this world. So much to the point that God delivers Israel physically but they are still in bondage metnally and spiritually.
“Can we go BACK to Egypt?” See what they said to Moses here …“Did we not say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians?’ For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians [as slaves] than to die in the wilderness.” - The people of God to Moses, Exodus 14:12. This is a picture of convenient the cancer of sin and a slave mentality can be. Because the wilderness reality didn’t match the picture the Israelites had in their mind; because ‘prosperity’ after being set free did not appear as sensually eutopic as what they experienced in bondage … they would have rathered went back to slavery.
The spirit of slavery and the poverty mindset continues when the people of God, Israel, (who represents us today, we are the spiritual Israel) continued to complain in Exodus 16:3 The Israelites said to Moses and Aaron, “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt and not out in the middle of nowhere! At least in Egypt (bondage, slavery) we sat around restaurants or we could have ordered all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve us all to death!” - PTKJV. Returning to any sin, or choice of disobedience from God’s Word is slapping the Lord in the face expressing that your sin apart from God, is a greater convenience than being in the presence of God during a season of wilderness.
“Chasing the Bag” Unpacking Matthew 25:14-28 and seeing the Kingdom principleL
The Master divides 8 bags of silver between them all according to their ability (i.e. skills developed, born with and history of performance. “The Lord performs credit checks!” He is a good steward, the King. He will not award you above you history of being a good steward, being accountable and being faithful with what he originally gave you.
How much is the talents worth today? A talent was a large unit of measurement in ancient Judea—it is roughly the equivalent of 75 U.S. pounds or 35 kilograms. Talents were often used to measure large quantities of precious metals such as silver or gold.
A talent was a large amount of money. Estimates vary on just how much a talent would be worth in modern terms. But one way of measuring it is by considering the fact that a single talent was worth twenty years of a common laborer’s wages. A current (2022) approximation might be to say a typical American worker earns $40,000.00 in salary plus benefits. If so, one talent would be worth $800,000.00. And five talents would be valued at $4 million. The Gospel in Luke’s version estimates worth $800,000.00 where single mina was worth $13,333.
1st Servant he gave 5 bags of silver and he invested it - Treasure! He took the masters money and made money with his money. The 2nd Servant he gave 2 bags of silver and he went a got another job - Talent! He took the masters money, stewarded it, worked harder to add to it. 3rd Servant he gave 1 bag of silver and he hid the Master’s money - at first I thought it was about “Talent” but I was wrong. “Well that’s not fair why didn’t the master give the 1 more?” No, it is, “History determines how much you can handle!”
“How do you receive dominion, authority, resource and give none of it away and lose everything?”
The Master returns 1st & 2nd Servant he celebrates his faithfulness & gets more responsibilities and get to celebrate with the Master but the 3rd gets condemned. “Well Pastor what’s the problem with the 3rd Servant?! He didn’t waste or blow the bag??!” Here’s the issues:
- He was talented enough to dig a whole … So what other talents did he have that he didn’t use? (See the ‘Fig Tree and Jesus to amplify the Lord’s heart towards this.)
- It’s not that he didn’t try to do anything with it – he just withheld the bag!! Meaning ultimately he didn’t attempt or have faith to try anything with the bag.
- He didn’t lose the Master’s money within the bag … he lost the Master’s time.
- How long did the Master train you for this moment?
- How long was the Master gone, leaving you time and opportunity?
- “I go to prepare a place for you … that when I get back, I’m expecting to see more with you, then when I sent you down here, because you were supposed to dominate!”
- How long did the Master train you for this moment?
- “The erodeous notion that what you possess, is yours.”
- To hide it, save it, save it or try to preserve it is both disobedience and a plague to the prosperity of it and not it’s intentional purpose. (See God’s instructions on the Manna from Heaven in Exodus 16.)
- Do a Bible study on Manna
- To hide it, save it, save it or try to preserve it is both disobedience and a plague to the prosperity of it and not it’s intentional purpose. (See God’s instructions on the Manna from Heaven in Exodus 16.)
- “Withholding because of fear is a plague to freedom.”
- Kingdom Generosity; giving all away …
- Is the relinquishing of your entitlement to it.
- Once you release it back into the Kingdom country, all of it once again becomes the responsibility of the King to sustain it.
- Be leary of using ANY phrases that begins with “My” i.e. ‘my blessings’, ‘my theology’, ‘my overflow’
- Is the relinquishing of your entitlement to it.
- If you recieve anything that is the King’s i.e. knowledge, it is not yours, so give it away.
- “If you give your knowledge away it’s hard to be prideful, it’s hard to become your own idol.”
- “If you give your knowledge away it’s hard to be prideful, it’s hard to become your own idol.”
Freedom. Who the Son sets free, is free indeed. Therefore, freely give as you have freely received. But deliverance must take place before true freedom is experienced.
- “To find freedom, is to release your grip.On your time, talent and treasure.
- Your love should be free. Your time should be free. Your finances, no matter what scale should be free. Your talent should be free.
- Fun fact? That word “Seravants” is translated to ‘doulos’ meaning Slaves, which is the same term Paul called himself.
- Fun fact? That word “Seravants” is translated to ‘doulos’ meaning Slaves, which is the same term Paul called himself.
- Truth is you will never have enough money, enough time and enough abilities because you keep hiding them and withholding them.
- My hope isn’t in this world or this government, but it’s in Christ Jesus my King and in His healthy, wealthy kingdom country, so that’s where I make my investments, that’s where I acquire real estate, that’s where I give my time and all of my talent.
- Because there is 100 proof that this market will never fail, because he won’t fail. And if this Kingdom country is wealthy then I’m wealthy.
- Because there is 100 proof that this market will never fail, because he won’t fail. And if this Kingdom country is wealthy then I’m wealthy.
Conclusion & Action Items
Relating this to financial stewardship: Financial stewardship goes beyond personal gain or accumulation of wealth. Encourage one another to be generous with their resources, using them to bless others and meet the needs of those less fortunate. Just as Jesus instructed His disciples to freely give, be challenged to adopt a spirit of generosity in their financial decisions.
Invest financially but most importantly in relationships: Investing in people is just as important as investing in financial assets. Prioritize relationships, showing love, kindness, and support to those around them. Investing in the well-being and growth of others can bring immense joy and fulfillment.
The Value of surrender and selflessness: Understand that true wealth and fulfillment come from surrendering their lives and resources to God. Let go of selfish ambitions and materialistic pursuits, instead focusing on serving God and others. Emphasize that through selflessness and surrender, they can experience the abundant life Jesus promises.
Prioritize eternal investments: Consider the eternal impact of their financial decisions. Teach them that investing in God's kingdom and advancing His purposes should take precedence over temporary gains. Encourage them to allocate resources towards spreading the gospel, supporting missions, and engaging in acts of compassion and justice.
Responsible stewardship: Justt as God gave humans dominion over the earth, He expects them to be responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to them. This includes managing finances wisely, making informed investment decisions, and utilizing opportunities to increase wealth.
Long-term vision: Emphasize the importance of having a long-term vision when it comes to financial decisions. Just as real estate investments are often long-term endeavors, Grace family should adopt a similar mindset when investing. Educate yourselves, ask questions, find out who at Grace is already investing, think strategically and plan for the future, considering the potential growth and benefits of their financial choices.
The principle of fruitful multiplication found in Genesis. As believers use your financial resources and investments to generate returns and multiply their wealth. Teach them the importance of diversifying their investments, seeking sound advice, and diligently managing their financial portfolios.
Social responsibility: Financial stewardship also involves considering the well-being of others. Use your financial resources, including real estate investments, to bless others, support charitable causes, and make a positive impact in their communities.
Faith and diligence: Combine faith and diligence in financial stewardship. Just as farmers diligently cultivate the land expecting a harvest, emphasize the need for disciplined financial practices, continuous learning, and seeking God's guidance in making investment decisions.
2022 August Apologetics Series Sermon Notes
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